Saturday, March 24, 2012

'Dead Woman' Comes Alive

A woman, whom her family members and relatives thought had died, surprised them when she came 'alive'. In fact, her family had also made preparations to cremate her, and her relatives had even reached the cremation ground.

Mamu Devi, 60, of Hartan village of Yamunanagar district was brought to PGI in Chandigarh on Thursday in a critical condition as her kidney had failed.

On Saturday, the doctors told her kin including her husband, Mahender Kumar, son and some other relatives to take her home, as they could not do much to cure her now.

However, her relatives misunderstood what the doctors said and thought that they meant that Mamu had died, though the doctors had only said that there was no chance of her recovery.

As Mamu was unconscious, her family members presumed that she was dead, and rang up home, asking their relatives to arrange for a funeral. Following this the villagers made all the arrangements for the cremation, including arranging for the wood.

However, when Mamu was being taken to her village from Chandigarh, her kin saw some movement in her body, on reaching near Ambala. Elated with the development, they again rang up home informing that Mamu had come 'alive' and it was a "divine miracle." Receiving this information hundreds of relatives and villagers assembled to see the 'miracle' for themselves.

Mahender Kumar, Mamu's husband clarified, "Perhaps, we did not listen to the doctors carefully. Moreover, as she was unconscious and did not move for hours, we thought she as no more."

Later, Mamu was admitted to a private hospital in Yamunanagar.


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